Handling Your Workplace Injury

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Regardless of the type of work you do or your environment, there is always the possibility you may suffer from an at-work injury. Knowing how to deal with such an injury can be difficult, especially since there are a lot of misconceptions regarding workplace injuries. Here are a few of these myths and information in relation to each that may be beneficial to you in the event you are ever injured at work.

Myth: A Claim Being Denied Is The Only Legal Concern An Injured Worker Should Have

Workers that need to file a worker's compensation claim as a result of their injury often believe that their only legal concern is the possibility of having their claim denied. While this is certainly a serious complication these individuals should consider, it is far from the only one. For example, a worker may face retaliation from their employer as a result of filing a claim. There is also the risk of the benefits from the claim being delayed or incorrectly released. These situations can be highly complicated matters, but a professional workers compensation attorney can help to resolve them.

Myth: The Delays And Costs Make It Not Worth The Effort To File A Worker's Compensation Claim

Due to both having to prepare and file required paperwork to receive worker's compensation benefits as well as risking potential complications that can arise, individuals may assume that filing a worker's compensation claim is not worth the hassle. However, worker's compensation claims can also provide the injured worker with legal protections that may not otherwise be present for the worker, even one that is insured. For example, some states require worker compensation claims provide the individual to be given enough time to fully heal and recover. This protection may not always be present for those that seek treatment on their own.

Myth: You Will Lose All Financial Support During The Course Of Your Treatment And Recovery

Depending on the type and severity of the injury, a worker may require considerable time off in order to heal and fully recover. It may seem as though this will require the injured individual to lose all of their financial support, worker's compensation will usually afford the claimant at least partial wages for the time that they are away. Some individuals may be afforded the option of returning to work with a lighter workload, but this will vary based on the job.
