3 Types Of Non-Medical Evidence To Present At A Disability Hearing

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Being denied Social Security Disability benefits can be frustrating. A disability law attorney can help you appeal a denial in an attempt to reverse the initial decision you received about your benefits.

A hearing is typically scheduled as a part of the appeal process. Your attorney will be able to present vital evidence that supports your claim during this hearing.

1. Employee File

A medical problem must interfere with your ability to work if you want to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. Your past employee files could provide valuable evidence that supports your claim of being disabled. Medical records and statements have long been considered the best source of evidence for a Social Security Disability appeal. Many attorneys may find that providing non-medical evidence in addition to medical records can be beneficial.

An employee file will also contain evaluations and letters requesting leaves of absences that can support your claim. Your attorney can evaluate your employee file and document absences or incomplete workdays that show your medical condition prevented you from maintaining your assigned work schedule.

The judge presiding over your appeal hearing may find the evidence in your employee file credible because the evidence was created without the intent to use it as a legal tool.

2. Work History

Many people who file a disability claim try to remain employed while dealing with a medical condition. Your work history can be presented as proof that your condition deteriorated over time. If your work history shows consistent employment with a single company and then a progressive string of jobs at a reduced skill level, your attorney can argue that this shows your attempts to remain employed.

A judge can view your claim as credible if you can prove that you tried to continue working but your condition finally prevented you from doing so.

3. School Records

No matter how long it's been since you left formal schooling behind, your attorney may be able to use your school records as evidence in your disability case. Learning problems like dyslexia or poor reading comprehension can also limit your ability to obtain the training needed to work outside your current position.

A judge will take any transferable skills you have into consideration when determining if you can continue working. Your school record could provide evidence of a learning disability or other limitations that might prevent your skills from transferring over to a new industry.

Contact a disability claim attorney for more information. 
