Tammy Jenkins

6 Things You Shouldn't Assume About Hiring A Wrongful Death Lawyer

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If you’ve recently gone through the unexpected death of a loved one or family member due to the negligence of another party, you might want to consider hiring a wrongful death lawyer.  There is some misinformation out there about wrongful death lawyers that you should be aware of. The following are six things you shouldn’t assume about hiring a wrongful death lawyer.  A wrongful death lawyer can only file a lawsuit if the death in question was caused by an accident.…

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What Kinds Of Disputes Can You Take To An Estate Litigation Lawyer?

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Are you embroiled in a dispute over your share of an estate left behind by a loved one? The process could be even more complicated if the deceased didn’t leave behind a will or trust. Heirs and beneficiaries may find themselves in dispute with one another over the distribution of assets. If you find yourself in this situation, you may need to seek the help of an experienced estate litigation lawyer.…

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How To Tell If You Should Talk With A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer

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If you have been struggling financially, there’s a chance that you have at least briefly thought about filing for bankruptcy. But you may not know if you should really schedule an appointment to speak with a lawyer. To help you determine whether your situation might actually warrant a trip to the attorney’s office, you will want to read through the following points:  You Can Make Payments But Can’t Get Everything Up-To-Date…

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Why You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer Beside You When Filing A Swimming Pool Injury Lawsuit

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Summer is a time for barbecues and spending time with family and friends. And for many people, this also means time spent in the pool. While these pools can be a lot of fun, they can be dangerous and even deadly. You could get injured while swimming by falling and hitting your head on the concrete, or you could be electrocuted by faulty wiring. If your misfortune occurs due to someone else’s negligence, you should contact a personal injury lawyer.…

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What Should You Look For In A Divorce Lawyer?

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Deciding to legally separate is never an easy decision. There can be big emotions, tough financial decisions to make, child custody concerns, future living arrangements, and so many other factors. If you have made that difficult call, then you need a divorce lawyer who can guide you through the whole process, supporting your decisions but also providing objective advice. What Kind of Lawyer is a Divorce Attorney? Divorce law is a branch of family law.…

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Why Do You Need A Probate Law Attorney To Guarantee Your Family's Future?

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Nobody wants to think about death, yet it is a necessary part of existence. And, just as you must prepare for other significant events in your life, such as getting married or purchasing a house, you must also plan for your death. This is where a probate law attorney comes in. This legal practitioner is engaged in the administration of a will to ensure that estate property is transferred to the designated beneficiaries as smoothly as possible.…

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Essential Information You Need Before Filing A Claim After Being Bitten By A Dog

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Injuries inflicted by a dog can cause long-term damage. Besides, the scratch and bite marks might leave permanent scars on your body. In both cases, you may have to live with physical and emotional pain, making it difficult to perform your daily activities and enjoy life. Therefore, you may want to know your legal options when you sustain dog bite injuries. A professional personal injury lawyer dealing with dog bites can evaluate your situation to know whether you have a case.…

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Things You May Not Know About Divorce

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Despite the fact that divorce affects so many households every year, it’s still one of the most widely misunderstood legal processes out there. Ask a handful of different people the same question about any aspect of divorce and you’re sure to get just as many different answers. If you’ve been considering filing for divorce, it’s important for you to know the actual facts behind this process. Here’s a look at a few of the many things that your divorce lawyer can help you understand before you make your decisions.…

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Can I Sue A Nursing Home For Negligence?

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If a nursing home is understaffed and lacks sufficient resources to keep its residents safe, the facility could be vulnerable to negligence lawsuits. Oftentimes, if an elderly person living in the nursing home cannot sue, a family member can file a negligence lawsuit on their behalf. Take a look at how you can file a nursing home negligence claim. When Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Negligence? A nursing home owes its patients a duty to provide standard care.…

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Whether Felony Or Misdemeanor You Need Criminal Law Services For Drug Charges

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There are a variety of negative consequences that an individual can face if they choose to use or sell drugs. Criminal charges related to drugs can be misdemeanors or felonies. Do not make the mistake of thinking that misdemeanor drug charges are unimportant. Convictions and guilty pleas could remain on criminal records indefinitely, which means that it is possible for misdemeanors to negatively impact an individual’s life indefinitely. Some career options might not be available to individuals with criminal histories.…

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