What Is Adverse Inference In Civil Litigation?

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One thing a civil litigation lawyer tries to avoid in a case is what is known as adverse inference. This is a doctrine in American law where the court can sanction a non-compliant party in a case by assuming that materials or testimony that weren’t produced must be highly damaging for that side’s arguments. This article takes a look at why a court might do this and what are some of the potential defenses against it.…

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3 Major Reasons Why You Need A Personal Injury Attorney

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Have you recently been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault? Are you wanting to get compensation but the other party is refusing to admit fault and the insurance company doesn’t want to pay you as a result? It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to make things as difficult as possible so that they can avoid paying out unless it is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, this can result in legitimate claims like yours becoming harder to get approved.…

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3 Reasons Your Social Security Disability Claim May Be Denied

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Social Security Disability income (SSDI) provides benefits for wage earners who have become disabled for a variety of reasons, including chronic illness and accidents. It’s a financial and medical lifeline for many – but it isn’t easy to win approval on a claim. In fact, a huge number of claims are denied when they’re first filed. Getting a denial can put you on a long journey through numerous appeals – each lengthier than the one before.…

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Handling Your Workplace Injury

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Regardless of the type of work you do or your environment, there is always the possibility you may suffer from an at-work injury. Knowing how to deal with such an injury can be difficult, especially since there are a lot of misconceptions regarding workplace injuries. Here are a few of these myths and information in relation to each that may be beneficial to you in the event you are ever injured at work.…

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What Disability Determination Services And Residual Functioning Capacity Mean For Social Security Applicants

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The above terms look quite intimidating for those who just need some help with a disability. Those terms and others like them not only sound complicated, but they often can be. They can be so complicated, in fact, that many Social Security applicants cannot successfully navigate the system to get the benefits they need and deserve. If you have been unable to work at your job because of a medical or mental health condition, read on to find out what the above terms mean to your ability to get paid benefits.…

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How Can One DUI Impact Your Life?

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You may think that one DUI charge will not have that much of an impact on your life. Unfortunately, you would be surprised as to how drastically a DUI can change your life. In addition to the possibility of fines, jail time, and the loss of your license at least temporarily, there are some additional ways you can have issues if you get a DUI. The following are some examples.…

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